Volume 2
German Reich
1938–August 1939
This volume documents the persecution of the Jews in the German Reich between January 1938 and the end of August 1939. In the months between the Anschluss of Austria and the start of the Second World War, the Nazi leadership plunged Jewish life further into crisis. ‘Aryanization’, bureaucratically organized expulsions, and ultimately the pogrom in November 1938 meant that for more and more Jews, life was untenable.
At the same time, it became increasingly difficult to emigrate. In the aftermath of the pogrom of 9 November 1938, Morris Troper from the Jewish aid organization JDC (Joint Distribution Committee) recorded: ‘What is to become of the Jews in the next few weeks is altogether uncertain. Even if the disorders and arrests come to an end, the basis of the existence of German Jewry has been wiped out.’
This volume contains more than 300 source documents about the persecution of the Jews in the German Reich between 1938 and 1939.
Archives represented: 55
Figures: 10
Maps: 1
Pages: 911

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The efforts of many people went into producing this volume, which is based on its counterpart in the German VEJ series. The contributors are acknowledged here.
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